Free technical publications for customer reference

 I.C.E. engineers and staff technicians have prepared a list of free technical publications for customer reference. These cover a variety of subjects related to the usage of I.C.E. products, facility design and construction, lightning and over voltage protection, and product comparisons with other companies' goods.

Written in easy-to-understand language for the non-technical.


How to Conduct A Noise Audit Of Your Telecommunications Station
A discussion of how to search for and find noise sources in or around your own communications station. You would be surprised at how much receiver noise in your own operation is being caused by your own equipment, lights, computers, home appliances, etc. Here's how to sniff it out and stop it. A good operating aid for Commercial and Amateur stations.

[Technical Publication #10]


Modern Beverage Receiving Antenna Construction And Installation 
A helpful guide to building your own beverage-type low noise receiving antenna for broadband use. Easy, do-it-yourself suggestions to optimize directional performance, even if you lack a farm to put it on. 
[Technical Publication #11]


Modern Lightning Protection For Radio Transmitting And Receiving Facilities: RF Entry Ports
A basic study and discussion of how to protect transmission line lead-in cables and the equipment to which they are connected from transient voltages caused by lightning, wind, rain, snow, etc. 

[Technical Publication #30]


Modern Lightning Protection For Radio Facilities: AC Power Lines 
A similar outline of how to protect equipment and prevent damage from voltage transients delivered to station by electric power lines. 

[Technical Publication #30A]


Modern Lightning Protection For Radio Facilities: Telephone, Rotator, And Control Lines
Ideas and suggestions on how to implement a protective scheme to protect various unshielded entry cables  frequently used  in communication operations.

[Technical Publication #30B]


Modern Do-It-Yourself Grounding Techniques 
Easy methods for assuring good performance from safety grounding systems used for these purposes. Simple materials available from local sources can do a fine job. You don't even need luck to make it work. 

[Technical Publication #31]


Bulkhead Grounding For Telecommunications Facilities
For Commercial, Industrial or Amateur communications facilities where professional appearance and results are required, this publication focuses on how to construct your own bulkhead ground system. Discuses materials, placement, and installation suggestions.

[Technical Publication #31A]


Using Water Pipe & Service Joints For RF Grounding - Please Don't 
Many radio communication systems are built with equipment of extraordinary sophistication and investment - and then grounded to a cold water pipe or even worse. Here's why not only are these ground sources awful, but can even make voltage transient conditions and interference conditions worse than no ground at all. 

[Technical Publication #32]


Modern Coaxial Lightning Arrestors: Polyphaser Vs. I.C.E.
A simple discussion of the technical and structural differences between coaxial lightning arrestors we build and those offered by Polyphaser. 

[Technical Publication #33]


Modern Coaxial Lightning Arrestors: Alpha Delta Vs. I.C.E.
A simple discussion of the technical and structural differences between coaxial lightning arrestors we build and those offered by Alpha Delta. 

[Technical Publication #33a]


The Infamous Gas Tube
Heralded as the great savior of the lightning world, discover in this pub just how awful gas tubes really are, and why their use in the modern RF environment is often inappropriate and sometimes catastrophic.

[Technical Publication #34]


Earth Grounding Construction Materials
Should you use large wire, small wire, copper, aluminum, strap, braid, solid, stranded, bare, covered, plated, or armored? A century of old fables and wives' tales ago up in smoke in this freebie.

[Technical Publication #35]


Fighting Back Against BCB Interference
Being pounded half to death by a local AM broadcaster? Punch him out with these simple, inexpensive ideas.

[Technical Publication #40]


Low Pass FIlters - It's What You Have And What You Do With It.
Thousands of low pass Filters have been sold over the past 30-40 years to users who installed them in a way they were, for the most part, useless. This important paper discusses how to choose  a low pass filter, how to rate them, and how to maintain them. Even if you  already own or plan to buy somebody else's filter we won't hold that against you. It's still free!

[Technical Publication #42]


"DC Grounded Antennas - The Myth, The Legend, The Fantasy"
To Protect your station against lightning blasts and the inevitable damage resulting there from, choose a so called "DC Grounded" type antenna offered by many manufacturers, right? Wrong. Here's why. And what to look for when making  the choice. 
[Technical Publication #80]