The Beverage antenna is one of the most cost-effective antennas for achieving low-noise, directional, or non-directional performance. Simple in design, it consists of a single wire, end-fed from the station, and elevated 5-10 feet above ground on insulated standoffs.
When fed through a wideband impedance transformer, Beverage antennas provide broadband, low-noise performance for 0.5 to 9 MHz applications. For directional performance, install the antenna in a straight line toward the target direction, with a minimum length of 1 wavelength at the chosen operating frequency. Longer wires increase directivity.
Impedance Matching and Testing
After installation, check impedance and load resistor values by feeding 1 watt of power into the antenna. Use a simple VSWR meter to sweep the desired frequency range and confirm a proper match. At the I.C.E. factory, we found that for 600-800 foot beverages, a resistance of 450 ohms provided a near 1:1 match from 1 to 30 MHz.
Lightning Protection
Install blocking-type lightning protection to shield your equipment. Use a 0.01 μF capacitor to block DC in grounded matching systems. Beverage antennas can build up to 10,000 volts during overhead lightning activity, even if no direct strike occurs.
Wire Feed Angle
Gradually raise the antenna wire from the feedpoint to the operating height. Avoid sharp vertical ascents, as this can compromise the antenna’s low-noise, directional performance by simulating a vertical antenna.
Wire Choice
Use galvanized steel wire or electric fence wire instead of copper. Steel wire is stronger, resists stretching, and better withstands environmental stress (e.g., ice or falling branches). Electric fence wire, #18 or #19 gauge, costs about $8 per 1,250 feet and is widely available at farm and hardware stores.
Terminating Resistors
Use carbon composition or flameproof, non-inductive resistors rated at 10 watts or more. This prevents burnouts during high RF conditions. Wirewound resistors are acceptable for frequencies below 5 MHz. For added protection, include a 75V gas discharge unit.
By following these tips, you can maximize the performance and durability of your Beverage antenna, ensuring excellent reception with minimal noise.